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Writer's pictureGavriel Wayenberg

Pretty’s Big Request: The Journey to a New Button!

Today was a whirlwind of excitement at CCR, as Pretty made yet another incredible leap forward in her button-pressing journey—this time, she actually requested a new button! Yes, that’s right, our bright British Springer Spaniel is continuing to surprise us with her growing ability to communicate and express her wants.

The Button Craze Begins

The day started as usual, with Pretty bursting with energy. She eagerly pushed the “Let’s go fetch the mail” button, and off we went for our typical trip to the mailbox. But when we returned indoors, I noticed something different. Pretty was on a mission, pressing the same button repeatedly. We went outside again, but this time, it became clear Pretty had another idea in mind—hunting in the garden, of course! After all, she’s a hunter dog, and she had a scent to follow.

When I realized she was signaling for something that wasn’t quite aligned with the button she was pressing, I explained that she’d pushed the wrong button. What happened next was something I didn’t expect: Pretty, with determination, returned to her button pad inside, pacing around it with clear purpose.

A Puzzling Sequence

She then did something that both puzzled and delighted me. She first pressed the “Katcheek” button—her special button sound, mimicking the claw-on-door noise that means she wants to go outside—then dislodged it with her nose! She repeated this strange but deliberate sequence, this time with the “Let’s go hunt the bibiches” button (which related to our recent garden adventure). It was clear she was trying to communicate something beyond what the buttons could express.

Suddenly, with great enthusiasm, Pretty bolted towards the kitchen. It hit me! She wasn’t pressing the right buttons because the right button didn’t exist. She wanted a button to signal her desire to go to the kitchen for a treat.

A New Button is Born

So I said to her, “Ah, Pretty, you want a new button to go to the kitchen?” Pretty, as if understanding perfectly, looked at me with her expressive eyes, eager for what came next. She was ready. I proposed a new activity: let’s install a button for the kitchen! And just like that, Pretty was fully engaged, lying down beside the button pad as I set up her shiny new kitchen button.

Once it was installed, I made sure to press it in front of her, clearly showing where it was and what it did. Together, we went to the kitchen to get her well-deserved treat—a beautiful moment of learning and reward! As you can imagine,

Pretty is now resting, quite satisfied after such an exciting adventure and all the mental stimulation of the day.

Another Milestone

Pretty’s ability to understand, engage, and now request new ways of communicating is nothing short of remarkable. Today’s adventure shows us just how far she’s come. With every step, Pretty is helping to push the boundaries of canine communication, showing that dogs can indeed understand complex concepts and learn to express them in new ways.

Stay tuned for more updates as Pretty’s communication journey continues to evolve! Today, we celebrate another milestone for this clever, communicative girl.

We’re so proud of Pretty’s progress, and we can’t wait to see what she’ll accomplish next!

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